Donate Now To The Educational Foundation

Make an online donation to the Educational Foundation

The mission of Kappa Sigma’s Gamma-O Educational Foundation is to further education at the college level, particularly for the benefit of persons who are members of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity and in the chapter at the University of Kansas. We help fund the maintenance of the educational portions of the chapter house, award scholarships, and help fund the expenses for career and leadership development programs.

Gifts to the Educational Foundation fund tuition-assistance scholarships, educational programs, and educational areas within the chapter house (as recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as having an educational purpose). The foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, managed by alumni leaders of our chapter. Donations are 100% tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please make contributions payable to: Kappa Sigma’s Gamma-O Educational Foundation



Make a one-time donation
Make a recurring monthly donation
Make a donation with Venmo



Click here to download and fill-out our donation form. It can be mailed to either of the following addresses:

Kappa Sigma’s Gamma-O Educational Foundation Kappa Sigma’s Gamma-O Educational Foundation
PO Box 25251 c/o Fraternity Management Group
Overland Park, KS 66225 PO Box 12010
  Tucson, AZ 85732



Call 520-990-3250 and ask to make a donation to the Educational Foundation for Kappa Sigma's Gamma-Omicron Chapter.