2018 Foundation Award Winners
Dear Gamma-O Brothers,
It is with great pleasure that our Foundation announces the scholarship grants recently awarded based on the results of the Fall 2018 semester. As previously noted, while we are not at our endowment fund goal, we feel it is important to provide meaningful scholarships to deserving recipients of the Chapter. The Scholarship/Leadership program initially developed by undergraduates and alumni was used as the basis to determine the awards.
Under the conditions of the Scholarship/Leadership program, the requirements for the Chapter GPA as a whole was met for Fall 2018, but not for the previous two semesters. An important tenant of the program is the Chapter must succeed as well as the individual. For Fall 2018 that tenant was met with the Chapter GPA exceeding the All Men’s Average on the Hill. Once again, David G. Mackenzie ’61 graciously provided a special contribution to be paid in scholarships if award requirements were met. Many thanks to David for his continued support of the Chapter.
After the tabulations under the program, the Fall 2018 Foundation scholarship grants were awarded on February 7, 2019 to:
Peter McNeal $2,500
London Keller $1,250
Andrew Klimiuk $1,250
Congratulations to these members who distinguished themselves during the Fall 2018 semester…and thanks again to all of you who have made contributions to the Educational Foundation in the past to allow these recognitions to be made. We hope to be able to make additional award this coming Fall based upon Spring 2019 results.
Fraternally and Appreciatively,
Edgar B. Grass '77 Lloyd B. Hanahan '56
Foundation Board Member Campaign Chairman - Emeritus