No Cell Phone Brothers

Listed below are brothers who we don't have cell phone numbers for. Click here to send any information you may have on any of the brothers below.

Total Records: 723

Carlos A. Vogeler '39
William D. Phelps '41
William R. Blake '42
Charles C. Love '42
Joseph L. Brubaker '44
Robert N. Mowry '44
Paul W. Leonard '45
Ralph E. Kron '46
John B. Goodson Jr. '46
Robert J. Templer '46
Donald E. Price '47
Harlan L. Ochs '47
Dean R. Young '47
Lt Richard W. Peckenschneider '48
Howard B. Teeter '48
Richard D. Randall '48
Donald L. Dean '48
James M. Stout '49
Jerry D. Armstrong '49
James A. Murray '49
Stanley H. Margrave '49
William J. Greer Jr. '49
Archie D. Unruh '49
Ronald R. Smith '49
L. R. Bond '49
Dr. Dana K. Bibler '49
Otto D. Unruh '49
Frederick Stephen O'Brien '50
James T. Long '50
Jesse B. Jones '50
Robert H. Mc Intosh '50
Richard C. Foster '50
Hans R. Hansen '51
James R. Hyatt '51
Herbert T. Rathsack '51
Charles E. Gillam '51
Walter L. Rickel '51
Dean Thomas '51
Emmett D. Sutton '51
George P. Stoeppelwerth II '52
Charles S. Edwards '52
Thomas A. Wilson '52
David H. Myers '52
Harold Y. Hixson '52
William D. Brown '52
Marvin A. Carter '52
John H. Calvin '52
John L. Hutcherson '53
John W. Bruce '53
John B. Dunn '53
John L. Anderson '53
Jack M. Abercrombie '53
Donald M. Stewart '53
Robert E. Derge '53
Ken Bishop '53
Jerry C. Whitehead '53
Dr. Gary L. Schugart '54
William J. Martin '54
Neal J. Unruh '54
Jerry A. Henderson '54
John E. Stephenson '54
Edwin E. Mac Gee MD '54
John B. Pace '54
Kenneth E. Payne '55
Wilbert N. Drummond '55
Philip A. Williams '55
Charles A. Foster Jr. '55
Obed E. Thompson Jr. '55
Robert G. Hay Jr. '55
Michael H. Gibson '55
Philip N. Rankin '56
John H. Ray Jr. '56
William H. Ralston III '56
Robert W. Treat '56
Fred J. Lutz '56
George L. Bruce '56
Fred Lawrence '56
Robert H. Lynn Jr. '57
Robert J. Spohn '57
Peter F. Strell '57
Samuel L. Elliott '57
George R. Bates '57
Joseph T. Ashby Jr. '57
Edward P. Rosenquist '57
Edward L. Fisher '57
Charles A. Boudreau Jr. '57
David L. Coupe '57
William E. Fowks Jr. '57
Dr. Larry C. Schooley '57
Dr. Larry L. Mattingly '58
John C. West '58
Evert R. Elliott '58
H. Ronald Miller '58
Patrick H. Allen '58
William H. Sitter '58
Paul M. Mitchell Jr. '58
Larry R. Prather '58
Roger A. Smith '58
Phillip N. Comstock '58
Arlen T. Mueller '59
David L. Osment '59
Lee H. Leger Jr. '59
Kenneth Mendenhall '59
Thomas E. Bertelsen Jr. '59
Jon R. Irish '59
John W. Harper '59
Robert L. Waid '59
Wilhelm J. Sprekelmeyer '59
Richard A. Webster '59
Roger W. Wiley '59
Jon D. Rice '60
Michael J. Harris '60
Jerald P. Garner '60
Randall P. Nollette '60
Larry F. De Fever '60
Stephen L. Ross '60
Larry R. Brandenburg '60
Albert L. Maduska '60
William D. Haught '60
John M. Murfin '61
Elbert C. Austin III '61
John M. Rose '61
Robert W. Meyer '61
Randall W. Harrington '61
Stewart S. Anderson '61
Ralph W. Miller '61
Michael D. Wolfe '61
Guy G. Salts '61
Roger L. Findlay '61
Stephen B. Plaster '61
Edward E. Phillips '61
Joseph R. Glasgow '61
Ronald F. Best '62
Dean B. Hill '62
Russell W. Townsley '62
Frederick E. Marsh '62
Paul F. Young '62
John E. Pound '62
Stephen R. Haggart '62
Craig A. Stancliffe '62
Don W. Rea '62
Fred W. Frailey Jr. '63
Daryle D. Mc Ginnis '63
John C. Maloney II '63
John T. Baldridge '63
William H. Tucker Jr. '63
John D. Wortman '63
Stephen H. Klemp '63
Larry M. Norris '63
Craig A. Peters '63
Richard G. Carlisle '64
Richard L. Schulze '64
Cmd Robert D. Chaney '64
Stephen B. Maseda '64
William R. Montgomery '64
Larry K. Mellinger '64
Michael J. Mc Nally '64
William C. Mauk '64
Ronald C. Pullins '64
Paul D. Budd '64
Charles M. Hirst III '64
Michael A. Le Vota '64
Thomas M. Mullinix III '64
Alan R. Mulally '64
Robert M. Barbe '64
Joseph Chaney '64
Raymond V. Bengtson '65
Douglas L. Frieson '65
Michael D. Mc Clanahan '65
Thomas C. Tucker '65
Thomas D. Brosh '65
John C. Summers III '65
Carl D. Williams Jr. '65
Franz Trenkwalder '65
Joseph Krahn '65
James H. Hershey '65
John J. Williams III '66
William H. Coughlin '66
Jack L. Ingram '66
Walter C. Wells III '66
William L. Ware Jr. '66
Paul M. Smith '66
Dr. Ronald W. Quenzer MD '66
George C. Carter '66
William E. Axcell '66
Richard W. Stone '66
Charles R. Gaynor '66
Douglas D. Bass '66
Robert H. Worley Jr. '66
Jon R. Carper '66
Harold Brent Domoney '66
Jay O. Longabach DVM '67
Darryl J. Klippsten '67
Philip A. Lovett '67
Ronald E. Woelk '67
Michael T. Callahan '67
Dr. Gary L. Patzkowsky '67
Ray Kaspar '67
Christopher J. Redmond '67
Steve R. Neill '67
Thomas L. Hornbaker '67
William Killough '67
William P. O'Meara '67
Terry A. Milberger '67
Jack L. Hurley '67
Gary A. Davenport '67
Richard H. Livingston '67
William M. Benefiel '67
Charles W. Smiley '67
William W. Clarkson '68
Kenneth N. Williams '68
William W. Knox '68
William D. Faler '68
Kirby B. Layman '68
Kenneth W. Ruthenberg Jr. '68
E. Rod Ross '68
Ronald L. Mc Cabe '68
JD Culea '68
Gregory J. Tharp '69
John R. Brookens '69
Bob Brookens '69
Kenneth R. Cohen '69
Chester R. Davis '69
Lawrence S. Walter '69
Charles D. Brubaker '69
Arthur F. Valentine '69
John C. Smith '69
Steven Lees '69
Steven W. Morris '69
Neil Hupe '69
Phillip K. Walsh '69
Justin T. Hunt '69
David B. Trapp '70
Gregg W. Boyle '70
Daniel A. Wakley '70
John L. Turcotte '70
Mark S. Shockey MD '70
David G. Mc Cadden '70
Scott R. Shoffner '70
Lloyd D. Boone '71
Clay U. Borden '71
Richard A. Boss '71
James J. Coughenour '71
Michael R. Clay '71
Keith L. Hayden '71
Bob D. Norrell '72
Kevin P. Merritt '72
Richard E. Johnson '72
James F. Brenner '72
D. Craig Haberly '72
Dr. Mark R. Hook '72
Scott P. Duffens '72
Kent D. Smith '72
Joseph A. Schurr '72
Richard S. Kaufman '72
James R. Winfield '72
Craig E. Newport '73
Capt Andrew D. Stewart '73
Dave E. Reese '73
Roger A. James '73
Steven L. Hartman '73
Robert A. Brown Jr. '73
Harold J. Urbanek '73
Daniel T. Tevis '73
Rodney M. Pringle '73
Robert M. Holloway '73
Robert P. Reese '74
Duff S. Domoney '74
Allen B. Angst '74
Michael S. Hanson '74
David W. Andreas '74
Frank R. Morse '74
John M. Hannifan '74
Douglas C. Williamson '74
Kendall M. Mohler '74
Robert E. Benignus '75
David E. Wittwer '75
Royce A. Alexander '75
Mark A. Hannah '75
Michael E. Anderson '75
Mark A. Hamilton '75
Todd E. Morgenstern '75
Wendell D. Troxel '75
Michael F. Mueller '75
Clifford L. Rovelto Jr. '75
Michael H. Burns '75
Evan R. James '75
Larry D. Robinett '75
William S. Bowers II '75
Dean S. Athan '76
Tom Anagnos '76
Webster D. Smither '76
Jon D. Schillie '76
Steve W. South '76
Dewey K. Domoney '76
Mark R. Ariagno '76
Richard B. Summers '76
Bernard J. Duffy III '76
Richard B. Summers '76
Anthony P. Simkus Jr. '77
Richard L. Rovelto '77
Mark R. Borst '77
Patrick M. Callahan '77
William A. Hamilton '77
Michael N. Rooney DO '77
Andrew F. Sleypen '77
Mitchell B. Martin '77
Mark G. Mai '77
Charles D. Christian Jr. '78
Adam D. Harris '78
David C. Moore '78
Benjamin D. Bortnick '78
Stephen M. Howard '78
Don D. Gribble II '78
Tony E. Struthers '78
Oscar L. Deardorff III '78
Arthur D. Jackson '78
Paul W. James '78
Timothy R. Taylor '78
Henry B. Pringle '78
Kurt R. Pohl '78
Hance G. Van Beber '78
Gary L. Brown DDS '78
Thomas M. Wiley '78
John C. Eyler '78
Robert J. Schuster '79
Joseph E. Prusa '79
Randall R. Hall '79
Daniel W. Haley '79
David P. Roeder '79
Daniel A. Smith '79
Michael H. Payne '79
Jon D. Unruh '79
Stephen Parker Witt '79
Michael A. Vincent '80
Jeffrey J. Meyer '80
Gary M. Christensen '80
Timothy V. Wenger '80
Robert C. Overend '80
Craig W. Randle '80
Patrick E. Guevel '80
Douglas C. Hobbs '80
Larry B. Rone '80
Mark R. Ecker '80
William F. Held '80
Brent Rone '80
William M. Beck '80
Robert M. Telthorst '80
Steve H. Tlapek '81
Kevin D. Gohlinghorst '81
Nathan A. Long '81
David P. Bouchein '81
Michael D. Huddleston '81
Mark F. Lierz '81
Kent D. Zakoura '82
Thomas S. Platten '82
Matthew J. Podrebarac III '82
James J. Frank '82
Gary M. Bennett '82
Phillip L. Perry '82
Kenneth W. Swenson '82
Terry A. Green Jr. '82
Steven L. Lierz '82
Jeff T. Andersen '83
Davis N. Smith '83
George C. Guastello '83
Robert F. Gilman '83
Michael J. Barnard '83
Kevin J. Bohan '83
Doran S. Abel '83
Mike G. Hershberger '83
Stephen S. Jenkins '83
Mark A. Ferrari '83
Kurt D. Doner '83
Michael J. Winne '83
Joseph R. Wilkins III '84
James P. Winne '84
William J. O'Neill '84
Ronald R. Mau '84
John M. Kahl '84
Fredric T. Rooney '84
Steven W. Scott '84
Christopher J. Yoder '84
Jeffrey L. Mc Anarney '84
David A. Zimmermann '84
Jay D. Skinner '84
Randall M. Nelson '84
David N. O'Brien '84
Scott L. Mc Kinney '84
David W. Owen '84
Mark A. Ferguson '84
Timothy B. Shmidl '85
Bradley A. Schulz '85
Keith D. Peterson '85
Richard P. Poindexter '85
Daniel J. Bohan '85
Jeffery S. Yoder '85
Cal A. Reese '85
David A. Johnson '85
Eric L. Davidson '85
James E. Taylor Jr. '85
Bradley L. Holaday '85
James A. Thatcher '85
Dr. James L. Proffitt II '85
Jonathon S. Wilke '85
Andrew F. Laas '86
Matthew J. De Wein '86
Michael Thyssen '86
Chance D. Morrow '86
Michael A. Rivas '86
Heber M. Villers III '86
Stewart C. Knoop '86
Brett T. Bartlik '86
Brian F. Ellis '87
James A. Morse '87
William E. Luechtefeld '87
Douglas A. Irion '87
James E. Skinner '87
James B. Stewart '87
John P. Bohan '87
Thomas O. Mc Nally '87
Mick Holt '87
Gregory Trevor Williams '87
Christopher M. Butler '87
Ketan A. Shah '87
David B. Guest '87
Lonny B. Pace '87
Gregory G. Markel '87
Kevin G. O'Toole '87
Daniel B. Yachnin '87
Barry T. Osbourn '87
Charles R. Green III '87
Scott D. Navarro '87
Stuart J. Doner '87
Michael K. Heasty '87
Robert B. Kirchens '87
Patrick D. McMonigle '87
John L. Davis '87
Gregory A. Schmidt '88
Lance R. Andersen '88
Barry L. Reynolds '88
Jeff C. Stevens '88
Richard C. Gilgut '88
Russell E. Fieger '88
Steven R. Kabler '88
Steven C. Mc Cluhan '88
Todd C. Shea '88
John F. Edgar '88
Christopher D. Wilkinson '88
Jeffrey H. Shinkle '88
John M. Van Norden '88
Iqbal S. Jehan '88
Dennis James Miller Jr. '89
Timothy W. Roy '89
Jeffrey W. Frank '89
Michael J. Mc Vay '89
Steven V. Logan '89
Jon M. Cale '89
Daniel J. Mc Carthy '89
Steve R. Hudson '89
Jeffrey E. Kobs '89
Stephen A. Hodes Jr. '89
Russell R. Henke '90
Derek S. Mortensen '90
Dirk Rosner '90
Craig S. Korth '90
David J. Kavalec '90
Matthew T. Melton '90
Kevin M. Leeseberg '90
Gregory S. Gangel '90
Richard A. Poe '90
John C. Carson '90
Kent K. Huston '90
Darin C. Fieger '90
Shawn D. La Plante '91
Jonathan L. Mader '91
Daryl Coupe '91
Slade T. Dillon '91
James S. France '91
Christopher E. Craig '91
Andrew S. Osbourne '91
Burke McCray '91
Mike L. Dallia '91
Thomas M. Caspari '91
Mike E. Messer '91
Brian P. Hodes '91
Timothy C. Johnson '91
Charles L. Arthur '91
C. M. Hobbs '91
John S. Thompson '91
Jason Corcoran Roberts '91
Brian Schmalz '92
Jeff Stump '92
Joel P. Janda '92
Trevor Wood '92
Blake Jones '92
Ryan Wenrich '92
Jamie Ferguson '92
Mitch Olsen '92
Kevin Allen '92
Christopher Berry '92
Adam Towle '92
Matt Schwartz '92
Jeremy M. Dick '93
Scott Allen '93
Greg Johnson '93
Chris Dornfield '93
Ryan Todd Jinks '93
Brian Shawver '93
Shane Popp '93
Yuri Tupa '93
Billy Chen '93
Chad Richardson '93
Brian Boyd '93
Scott Stanley '94
Jonathon Clayton '94
John E. Hill '94
Brian Burke '94
Sean O'Rear '94
John Fulcher '94
Justin Cooper '94
Scott Opie '94
Clint Rasschaert '94
Miller Leonard '94
Richard Brakenhoff '94
Chris McCurley '94
Broc Burke '94
Josh Haddad '94
James Howard '95
David Streeter '95
Ward Strahan '95
Drew Riegler '95
Andy Klein '95
Jeff Niermann '95
Mr. David Pivinski '95
Eric Lew '95
Brad Simmons '95
Michael McNearney Jr. '95
Jim Kolbusz '95
Jonathan Johnson '95
Tim Mc Nulty '96
Aaron Chambers '96
Mike Purmont '96
Thomas Carrigan '96
Scott Rieke '96
Seth Peterson '96
Matthew Casciano '97
Travis Dillon '97
Wade Davis '97
Skipton Reynolds '97
Greg Hinshaw '97
Jeff Oitker '97
James Bernard Downing '97
Brent Mueller '97
Gordon Coy '97
Nick Renk '97
James Farrar '98
Emory Rogers '98
Matt Schram '98
Michael Reyes '98
Jared Spence '98
Matt McGuire '98
Kell Sturgis '98
Greg Mulholland '99
Jacob Pugh '99
Kevin O'Reily '99
James Radina '99
Mark A. Milius '99
Spencer Eagan '99
Drew Davis '99
Ryan Browne '99
Todd Freund '99
Scott Clubine '99
Blake Cuevas '00
Bo McCall '00
Curt Elsbury '00
Jared Klinghoffer '00
Rob Kelly '00
Robert Brown '00
Anthony Steen '00
Leo Della-Moretta '00
Matt Moran '01
Roger Wang '01
David Bennett '01
Timothy Jason Linder '01
Samuel Borge '01
Shawn Purvis '02
Steven Miller '02
Tyler Neumayr '02
Gregory Beuke '02
Josh Willett '02
Pat Renk '02
Jon Fitzgerald '02
Andrew Robsham '02
Tim Donnally '02
Carl Ray '02
Jon McConnell '02
Brian T. Starke '03
Alexander F. Brown '03
Miles R. Umstattd '03
Ryan Andrew Patton '03
Erik M. Gasparovich '03
John Mike Heinrichs '03
Daniel P. Elsbury '03
Timothy M. Layton '03
Jaret Crook '03
Brian Bennett '03
Brandt K. Pyle '03
Braden J. Pyle '03
Nathaniel C. Serslev '03
Kyle Nestelroad '03
Justin W. Goodnight '03
Robert Fischer '03
Robert D. Streepy '04
Nicholas C. Beerbower '04
Tyler J. Stone '04
Marcus I. Hook '04
Nick Norwood '04
Zachary K. Tyrl '04
Robert A. Naranjo '04
Matthew P. Halliday '04
Thomas J. Whitehead '04
John M. Jacoby '04
Robert C. Mc Gregor '04
Nick Bosilevac '04
Benjamin S. Machen '04
Darren M. Koehler '04
David Tanner '05
Jared McIntire '05
Andrew Edelman '05
Sean Moorman '05
Eric Bussing '05
Todd Bussing '05
John Attebury '05
Michael Burns '05
Kamil J. Slomka '05
James B. Jordan III '05
David McNally '06
John Hodes '06
Kyle Combes '06
Brett Coupe '06
David Brink '06
Christopher Hodges '06
Evan McFarlane '06
Glenn Brandt '06
Ethan Marshall '06
Chandler Sidwell '06
Jacob (Jake) Mai '06
Bryant Williams '07
Taylor Mallon '07
Christopher R. Allen '07
Tyler Webb '07
Devin Tenney '07
Spencer Ward '08
Nathan Jones '08
Joe Sportsman '08
Ryan Bitto '08
Stephen Dobler '08
Dylan Smith '08
Tommy Rueve '10
Kellen Smultz '11
Field Engle '11
Kellen Smutz '11
Nick Becker (Lawrence) '13
Kyle Kupchin '14
Connor Lynn '14
Justice Rexrode '14
Brody Sears '15
Jake Hansen '15
Joe Herdler '15
Chris Knight '15
Luke Lund '15
Austin Mills '15
Morgan Hastings '15
Tommy Rosenthal '15
Hunter Cook '15
Matt Crawford '15
Tommy Gallagher '15
Lawson Stroble '19
Brendan Long '22
Grant Garbeff '23
Charles Lamothe
Charles LaMothe
Neil Likens
Bram Levy
Shane Kammerer
Blake Coevas
Kamyar Karbalaei
Jeff Meyer
Andy Mitchell
Adam Merillat
Willour Memorial
Reine Nola
Brandon Morgan
Andy Lyle
Stuart Martin
Mike Garrison
Robert Gaither
Jordon Gomlley
Craig Gilcrest
Michael GianFrancesco
Brian Finn
Craig Eyerman
Anthony Johnstone
Parent of Jett Johnson
Sam Davis
Jeff Steiner
Paul Baum Jr.
Andy Streeter
Robert Baker
Boyd Sauer
Jared Wilkinson
Greg Albus
Jeff Tollman
Eric Waite
Erik Sandbeck
Scott Reike
Randy Orbach
Jeffrey A. Brin
Curtis G. Ohlendorf
The parents of Ryan Browne
Tim P. O'Toole
Randy Brown